Sunday, February 10, 2013

Two Weeks Past

Today is day 14. I pumped over NINE ounces in day 13 and I have met my goal of pumping 1 ounce per session. For the past few days, I have been pumping every three hours instead of every two. I’m much happier with this less vigorous schedule. I also let myself skip a pump at night so that I can get adequate rest. My goal for the end of week 3 is to be pumping at least 1 ½ ounces per session, while I am tentatively hoping to pump 2 ounces every three hours by the end of week 3.

     It’s hard to believe that it’s been two weeks already. When I first began this journey, I could not imagine it would pass by so quickly. The first day was the hardest. I felt so discouraged by how little milk I was producing. By day two, I saw a slight increase, and from then on my milk doubled every few days. I feel that I have been so lucky to be this successful. I’m really satisfied with the progress we have made.


  1. People out here are rooting for you!

  2. Such awesome progress! Way to go!
