This morning I had our appointment with the LC. We talked
about my progress so far and got into a chat about our birth stories and how
strange labor and delivery is. After a while, I put the SNS on and Finn latched
on and nursed like a champ! After seeing how well Finn took my breast, Anne
said that she was really optimistic and proud. She told me that there is a very
good chance that I will be able to exclusively breastfeed. I feel so encouraged
and so happy! During our first appointment she was telling me that there was a
very small chance I could ever EBF again and that I would most likely be able
to only partially breastfeed him. Her confidence in us makes me feel so much
motivation and even more determination.
Still a pacifier for now! |
She suggested that I get a hold of my midwife so that I could
get a prescription for medication that will help build my supply. I called Kim’s
office (midwife) and left a message with the front desk. I am hoping she gets
back to me today so that I can start the medication as soon as possible.
After my initial
breastfeeding experience, I could have never imagined I would be so excited to breastfeed again. I am overjoyed and full of anticipation.